Our Board These are our volunteers who serve selflessly to continue this great tradition and honor to award our youth. HONORARY MEMBERS: Eugene C. Johnson MG Charles R. Hamilton Celine Regina Hamilton James D. Shackleford Randolph M. Lee, Jr Ionia A. Johnson, LTC (Ret) Regina Johnson Hamilton, Dr. Joe Lee Smith Bettye G. Murray Mary E. Banks MG Charles R. Hamilton CPT Reginald Johnson Hamilton Carl Finerson Erie Shackleford WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Katie Bursey Viola Franklin Jacqueline Jackson Ira K. Murray, Sr. James L. Phillips Laura L. Smith Audrey Wofford Lorenzo T. Chance Kennard Jackson Valencia Mitchell Lisa A. Murray Dr. Steve Primus Janice Stone Lessie Davis, Shirley Finerson Carethea Mathews Cherrie Beaver James Elouise Phillips Erie Shackleford Reverend Val Terry ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Barbara Davis Dr. Pamela Luckett George Sorie Jimmie Davis Bettie Sorie